Outreach is the work applied toward the fulfillment of Jesus's command to “love your neighbor.” The committee recognizes and addresses the needs of the world on a local, national and international level. All of God's creation is included.
WJUMC has been operating a Summer Literacy Initiative and has been awarded a grant to operate again this year. The program, known as Summer Reading Adventure, will run from June 17 to July 26, Monday thru Friday. The enrollment goal this year is 24 students from rising first and second grades.
Our other community ministries include support for Ashe County Children's Christmas Project, Hope Thru a Vision, Department of Social Services for homeless clients, Nest Alliance Bed Ministry, Ashe County Middle School, and Appalachian State Campus Ministry.
“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 15:40
Circles of Care
Purpose: To recognize and address the needs of the world including on a local, national and international level with fulfilling Jesus's command to "love your neighbor".
Helping Hands:
Purpose: To offer "helping hands" to assist church members with a need. Various tasks might include changing a lightbulb or providing a ride to an appointment.
Purpose: To provide caring and social interaction with those who are homebound or need a visit.
Purpose: To serve our church families who are experiencing a loss by preparing and serving a meal. Volunteers, under the leadership of Barbara Miller will be called upon to help as needed.
Prayer Group:
Purpose: To gather as those who desire to life up the concerns and needs of our church and community through prayer. Members gather every other week on Wednesday @ 1:00pm in the Gathering Room.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
Purpose: To provide prayer shawls for those in need as requested. All those who knit or crochet are invited and encouraged to participate. Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10:00am in the Gathering Room.
Food and Fellowship:
Purpose: To provide members and guests with fellowship opportunities. Volunteers would help prepare, set up and serve at these events.
Special Events:
Purpose: To assist with seasonal decorating and special events throughout the year.
Children, Youth and Preschool Ministries:
Purpose: To develop and nurture ministry to the youth of our church and community.